South Ocala Baptist Church
Children's Church
We provide a seperate service for our children from ages 5 - 11.
The service is fun and interactive. The Children's service includes worship, games, teaching, video lessons and prayer.
Ask your child, "What did you learn today?"
Sunday School
We provide a Sunday School teaching time for Adults and Children.
Come be a part of this teaching and fellowship time.
Starts at 10:00 am on Sunday Mornings.
Vacation Bible School
South Ocala Baptist Church hosts a wonderful VBS for one week. It runs Monday - Friday from 6 pm - 8 pm. Dinner is served each evening to the families and children that attend.
Fun and games, crafts and mission stories highlight the agenda. The VBS theme is always a journey into excitement as students learn the wonderful Gospel of Jesus.
Fire Wood - Ministry
Bill Brewer oversees the production of this ministry. Helpers are needed to gather, cut, split and stack the wood for selling at $10 a stack.
All proceeds are used to help fund various ministries in the church during the year. Right now the funds are helping to stock the "Pantry" used in helping to feed those in need.
Your attendance at South Ocala Baptist Church offers you the opportunity to participate in each of our Outreach Ministries.
Come... Serve With Us!
Youth Group - Amplify
Our Youth program allows teens to come together to discuss life issues and how God wants to be Amplified through their lives.
To see more click on the "Amplify Youth Group" link above.
YOUTH RETREAT / MISSION TRIP - 2018 - Western North Carolina
June 18th - 25th
Salvation Army
Every service, we transport people from their residence at the Salvation Army, to our facility for worship and fellowship. They often experience God in a vibrant, new way. Some have a salvation experience and begin a new life in Christ.
South Ocala Baptist Church lends itself as a family of "Believers in Christ" to those who are in a place of transition in their lives. Their is a warmth here that gives hope to the hurting and light to the wayward. Many of those who have come form the Salvation Army facilities have become part of our church family and a blessing to many.
Voices of Praise
Jeri Stanley and others have been going to nursing homes and re-hab centers singing praises to the Lord for the last 15 years. This outreach lends itself to the often "forgotten" geriatric men and women in Marion County. Its not about being accomplished singers, it is about being voices of praise unto the Lord and smiling faces that bring happiness, hope, and love to the lonely. Perhaps you could come along and make a difference in someone's day!
Prayer Chain
Prayer requests - Please call : James Kingsley - 352- 299-5168
We have 3 active prayer chains that are called into action for all prayer requests received