South Ocala Baptist Church

J. David Toler was raised in Leesburg, FL. He was born again in 1959 and experienced a "call of God to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ" shortly thereafter. He has served the Lord as an Evangelist, Bible Teacher, Missionary and Pastor. He has ministered in the United States, South Africa, Jamaica, Mexico and Haiti.
He and Barbara have been married since 1970 and have parented 9 children. They enjoy 20 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. They have also given a safe-haven to approx. 65 foster children through the years.
Bro. Dave became a Deacon at South Ocala Baptist Church in 2010. He was asked to become the pastor because of his proven love for the people. He celebrated his 11th Anniversary, as Pastor, in Jan. 2023.
South Ocala Baptist Church is not an organization as much as it is an Organism of Light and Life. Our Vision is to reach everyone we can through the Love of Christ Jesus and to prepare them for His soon return.
We are purposed to be a congregation of all ages and are excited about the prospects of YOU visiting with us and possibly becoming part of us! From babies to seniors, we gather to worship the Lord. We teach Jesus and how to journey with Him through the "tumbles" of life. We embrace the Word of the Living God. We teach and exhibit Faith and Love. We engage in the power of effectual, fervent praying of rightous men and women and rejoice in the resulting, amazing work of the Holy Spirit. We believe what Jesus did 2000 years ago, He is able to do today.
Why attend South Ocala Baptist Church:
1. To be part of what God is doing
2. To create life habits that bring Joy
3. To discover how God can use your unique talents
4. To become part of a family that cares
5. To learn how I can serve God by serving others
Come... grow with us in the Lord. Come... Experience the Warmth of His Love and the Power of His Spirit.
To touch our community with the Love of Christ.
To help people get saved, grow in Christ and to fullfil God's purposes.